Tree Maintenance at 270 Nevada St Bernal Heights

CLOSED Case Resolved. based on the photo provided , the tree is only touching low voltage power lines which is allowed. Only lines above visible "high voltage " signs cannot touch vegetation. - over 4 years ago #11588711
Submitted Wed Oct 23, 2019

Tree interfering with electrical wires (the top ones). This could be a fire hazard. Please prune tree immediately. Tree is also leaning into street too much so street cleaners cannot properly sweep the street.

Nature of Request: Damaging Property

address: 270 Nevada St

coordinates x,y: 6008913.800754929, 2097078.8064431055

coordinates lat,lng: 37.73868239999999, -122.41169630000002

Timestamp Description
Sun Oct 27, 2019 06:25pm Closed with status: Case Resolved. based on the photo provided , the tree is only touching low voltage power lines which is allowed. Only lines above visible "high voltage " signs cannot touch vegetation.
Wed Oct 23, 2019 02:47pm Opened
Wed Oct 23, 2019 02:47pm Submitted via Web Web