Blocked Pedestrian Walkway at 3000 16th St

CLOSED Not Accepted. Please report non-permitted vendors with SFPD at 415-553-1115. - over 2 years ago #14482302
Submitted Fri Oct 15, 2021

Abused misused and neglected public space and private property. Unlawful clothing vendor obstructing pedestrian sidewalk with stolen shopping cart and more. Loud music blaring from speakers. Additionally there are vandals, vagrants and druggies all of which set the tone for the widespread of blight and disorder. What legitimacy is there in do nothing, dysfunctional, unaccountable government? It certainly isn't worth the expense of salaries, benefits and pensions. Why would anyone trust such a entity!

Object: Display merchandise

address: 3000 16th St

coordinates x,y: 6006731.65641123, 2106762.938839936

coordinates lat,lng: 37.76515016081464, -122.4199281505862

Timestamp Description
Sat Oct 16, 2021 12:32am Closed with status: Not Accepted. Please report non-permitted vendors with SFPD at 415-553-1115.
Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:17pm Opened
Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:17pm Opened
Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:17pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone