Muni Employee Feedback at 1499 Market St

CLOSED Case Resolved. Investigation completed. - over 1 year ago #15872660
Submitted Tue Sep 27, 2022

Bus driver refused to open front door to allow elderly African-American woman to get onto the bus. He tried to force her to enter through the crowded back door. There was room for her to get on in front and there were young people sitting in the senior seats. I mention her race because it may have been a factor. He insisted that there was no room for her to get on, which was not true. He then called Muni (we heard him) to try to get ahead of a complaint by saying that it had been extremely crowded at Van Ness. But this was not true. It was comparatively uncrowded. I take the bus there every day.

Employee Physical Description: Young Asian American male.

Nature of Request: Complaint: Discourteous/Rude

Discrimination Complaint? Yes, Race, Color or National Origin (Title VI)

Request ADA Hearing Info? No

Line/Route: 49

Direction: Outbound

Stop ID (if known): 18088

When? Tue Sep 27, 2022 03:05pm

address: 1499 Market St

coordinates x,y: 6007061.602106009, 2110309.5786632947

coordinates lat,lng: 37.77490697690956, -122.4190385259424

Timestamp Description
Wed Oct 12, 2022 05:45pm Closed with status: Case Resolved. Investigation completed.
Tue Sep 27, 2022 03:19pm Opened
Tue Sep 27, 2022 03:19pm Opened
Tue Sep 27, 2022 03:19pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone