Reports (6,223,793)
Blocked Driveway & Illegal Parking
SUV blocking hydrant / parked in red zone.
OPEN #101001456020 -
Noise Issue
At approximately 11PM, the same individual(s) has been using what sounds like a lawnmower or leaf blower at this time. This has gone for several months. Unable to pinpoint source of sound. This is a nuisance issue.
OPEN #101001456014 -
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Traffic light is turned towards 3rd Avenue, it should be facing East bound traffic on Lincoln.
OPEN #101001456007 -
Street Defect
Please complete the curb ramp because there has been a cut-out on the asphalt and concrete with USA markings and cones/signs left there for months.
OPEN #101001456006 -
Street or Sidewalk Cleaning
4060943: City Garbage Can Overflowing
OPEN #101001456004 -
Blocked Driveway & Illegal Parking
Cannot read the car`s exact model but with a "R" on the rear side, not sure if it's illegal modified model.
CLOSED #101001455999Case Resolved. Officer responded to request under CAD # 250423474. Citation was issued.
Blocked Driveway & Illegal Parking
CLOSED #101001455995Case Resolved. Officer responded to request under CAD # 250423466. Unable to Locate.
Blocked Driveway & Illegal Parking
Cite only
CLOSED #101001455994Case Resolved. Officer responded to request under CAD # 250423463. Citation was issued.
Blocked Driveway & Illegal Parking
Blocking driveway at 28 bucareli ( garage address), street address is between 112 and 116 bucareli.
OPEN #101001455992