Reports (5,978)

  • Tree Maintenance

    2934 24 Th St

    OPEN #101001455841
  • Tree Maintenance

    836 Edna St

    Hanging limb of a tree on power line. The tree is on SF Parks land next to 394 Mangels Avenue, San Francisco 94127

    OPEN #101001455813
  • Tree Maintenance

    193 Church St

    OPEN #101001454956
  • Tree Maintenance

    925 York St

    tree fell and stump is still there. Tripping hazard. Request to have cones or A-frame to give pedestrians heads up.

    OPEN #101001454767
  • Tree Maintenance

    3599 Folsom St

    Large branch fallen from tree in public right of way, blocking visibility at intersection. Please fully remove branch without damaging tree.

    OPEN #101001454268
  • Tree Maintenance

    461 Clementina St

    Tree well needs dirt filled in

    OPEN #101001453814
  • Tree Maintenance

    555 Texas St

    tree was removed and stump left in sidewalk. resident requests grind stump and plant a new tree.

    OPEN #101001453717
  • Tree Maintenance

    1901 Mason St

    The tree is significantly overgrown and now hitting the building- caller is also concerned that it is touching the PGE property and that it is hazardous

    OPEN #101001453536
  • Tree Maintenance

    2424 Van Ness Ave

    Broken wood tree braces / supports

    OPEN #101001453484
  • Tree Maintenance

    3599 Folsom St

    2 Trees (Redwood and Oak) Leaning up against and over the property.

    OPEN #101001453047



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