Reports (264,015)

  • Encampment

    Intersection Stillman St, 4 Th St

    Tent is back at 4th St and Stillman. Went away then came back.

    OPEN #101001455227
  • Encampment

    21 8 Th St


    OPEN #101001455178
  • Encampment

    845 Alemany Blvd

    New encampment on the city-owned lot located on the south side of Alemany, between the bridge and Congdon Street. This encampment has a big blue tarp tied to a tree in the grassy area. Please clear. Thx

    OPEN #101001455161
  • Encampment

    Intersection Baker St, Fell St

    1 blue and gray tent, caller did not see anyone inside. it is blocking the sidewalk.

    OPEN #101001455119
  • Encampment

    119 Fern St

    Propane tank - fire hazard

    OPEN #101001455098
  • Encampment

    502 Geary St

    3 people encampment at the front door of a business space.

    OPEN #101001455089
  • Encampment

    62 The Embarcadero

    915 - at the bow and arrow park by embarcaderro

    OPEN #101001455077
  • Encampment

    228 Baker St

    Homeless encampment

    OPEN #101001455068
  • Encampment

    17 Fern St


    OPEN #101001455061
  • Encampment

    601 Alabama St

    One individual setting up and encampment. There is one tent attached to the pole. The individual is working on a bicycle. This is new and caller is requesting for removal asap.

    OPEN #101001455060



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