Reports (3,185)

  • Damaged Public Property

    3310 26 Th St

    Front door of vacant retail space front gate and front door locks broken and door open

    CLOSED #101001453185

    Case is Invalid. Please contact SFPD at 415-553-0123.

  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection Geary Blvd, 20 Th Ave

    Geary bus shelters on 20th, 17th, and 6th Ave are installed missing their rooves.

    OPEN #101001453024
  • Damaged Public Property

    2401 40 Th Ave

    Missions audible arrival

    OPEN #101001452847
  • Bathrooms out of service

    OPEN #101001452722
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection Portola Dr, Oshaughnessy Blvd

    Damaged Parking Meter malfunctioning. Meter accepted 49 minutes worth of payment and when adding extra payment the meter reset to only 6 minutes. The payment was made via coins.

    OPEN #101001452461
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection Page St, Octavia St

    Soft hit post needs replacing. Saw two cars make prohibited left turn over the downed post from Page to Octavia.

    OPEN #101001452417
  • Car Burglary/Bipping

    OPEN #101001451990
  • Damaged Public Property

    3656 Fulton St

    Muni Bus stop shelter, broken glass panels, 5 Fulton Line, South Side, at Funston

    OPEN #101001450937
  • Damaged Public Property

    838 Pacific Ave

    There is a city light pole to the left of the front entrance of 838 Pacific Apartments, on the sidewalk. There is an antenna and IT box mounted on the light pole and it is making a high pitched noise and causing residents to have ear aches and head aches. Please remove it. DANGER to residents. Usually the noise can be heard for hours starting at about 7:30 am, but also occurs at other times for various lengths of time. I have recording of the noise. - Darrow 415.933.4433

    OPEN #101001450905
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection Mission St, Silver Ave

    flashing red traffic lights

    OPEN #101001450451



Ticket Type

  • Damaged Public Property (Remove)