Reports (132,334)

  • Tree Maintenance

    1042 Taraval St

    Overgrown bush on sidewalk. Can’t see parking meter

    OPEN #101001451654
  • Tree Maintenance

    1400 Egbert Ave

    Large tree branch in street

    OPEN #101001451582
  • Tree Maintenance

    880 Peru Ave

    Caller reports a empty Tree well. (recently a tree fell down and was cleaned up and removed) Now there is an empty square of dirt. Hazard for people walking in area. Fill with concrete or plant a new tree.

    OPEN #101001451434
  • Tree Maintenance

    1792 Page St

    Tree hasn’t been pruned in 7 years and really needs it. Half the branches are dead and regularly fall off which is a risk to pedestrians passing by on busy Page St.

    OPEN #101001451230
  • Tree Maintenance

    1501 Howard St

    looks like tree damaged from vehicle. it's pushed into street and touching cars. likely someone pulling out of garage hit it based on the angle.

    OPEN #101001451177
  • Tree Maintenance

    2100 Hyde St

    Branches touching building.

    OPEN #101001451118
  • Tree Maintenance

    283 8 Th Ave

    tree nit trimmed, leaves are too low requiring pedestrians to bend under

    OPEN #101001450879
  • Tree Maintenance

    1340 Pierce St

    The government is responsible for proactively maintaining safe, clean, and well-cared-for neighborhoods. What is the value of an ineffective, costly, unaccountable government that allows and indorses blight and disorder to persist? The solution is to transition to a Contract Municipality, which is significantly more cost-effective. In this model, hired contractors would replace city employees to oversee, manage, and maintain our city. If the contractors are not effective, they can be fired.

    OPEN #101001450823
  • Tree Maintenance

    737 Pine St

    Missing tree in front of737 Pine St

    OPEN #101001450752
  • Tree Maintenance

    643 5 Th Ave


    CLOSED #101001450642

    Case Resolved.



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