Reports (132,334)

  • Tree Maintenance

    609 Huron Ave

    1718 Cayuga Ave is address. The map function didn’t work well. Trees on Sidewalk need attention. One has some sort of fungus

    OPEN #101001450603
  • Tree Maintenance

    301 18 Th Ave

    Illegal tree pruning

    OPEN #101001449768
  • Tree Maintenance

    65 Newton St

    Caller states, the tree in front of my house is dead. I tried to water it last week but it still is dead. I've tried watering it every day. Please fix or replace.

    OPEN #101001449723
  • Tree Maintenance

    599 Dolores St

    4 sand bags need to be removed from the tree basin, BUF placed the sand bags there to hold up the tree, but the tree was removed and now the sandbags need to be removed

    OPEN #101001449698
  • Tree Maintenance

    79 Central Ave

    Tree in front of 79 Central Avenue has destroyed multiple sewer and water lines, costing us tens of thousands of dollars. We have had the lateral replaced and have since still had multiple plumbers here in emergency situations due to the tree roots. This block is the pick up and drop off line for the Chinese Immersion School, and therefore a risk to city kids from many areas who travel across town for this school. The trees are too big for the sidewalk and need to be removed for safety reasons.

    OPEN #101001449493
  • Tree Maintenance

    1500 Hyde St

    Trees are overgrown and leaning into the building

    OPEN #101001449470
  • Tree Maintenance

    101 Montcalm St

    2 Trees are severely over grown into the power lines.

    OPEN #101001449438
  • Tree Maintenance

    79 Central Ave

    Trees in front of 77 Central Avenue have destroyed multiple sewer and water lines, costing the city new city lines and sidewalks every 2 years and residents new sewer or water lines every 5 years. The branches have gotten caught in the electrical lines, and one tree is broken in the middle. This block is the pick up and drop off line for the public elementary school Chinese Immersion School, and therefore a risk to city kids from many areas who travel across town for this school.

    OPEN #101001449423
  • Tree Maintenance

    2400 Greenwich St

    Medium sizez tree limb on sidewalk. About 10 feet long and 6-8 inches wide

    OPEN #101001449287
  • Tree Maintenance

    88 Keystone Way

    Caller is requesting for the trees in the easement of her neighbors house to be cut down. There was an easement behind the property that use to be maintained by the city. These trees are growing there, they are taller than the fence and they are blocking caller's view and the trees are out of control and need to be cut down. She had talked to the neighbors but they will not cut them. Caller would like to be contacted by responding agency so she can speak with them about this.

    OPEN #101001449198



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