Shared Spaces

132 Church St

CLOSED #16518340

Abated Full. Related tasks/inspections are complete.

Business Name: N/A - Location Info: Roadway, Sidewalk - Types of Issues: Abandoned Parklet, Lack of Address, Other (Provide details above) - ADA Issue: No --- Parklet owner violation revoked Use Permit. The absence of responsible public officials with the courage and fortitude to uphold community codes and provide Proactive Services is desperately needed to end the decades of desecration imposted by a few sociopaths who are allowed to control public space by ?our? worthless government bureaucrats.
132 Church St
37.76871447, -122.42942054
Additional Details
Business Name: business_name
Location Type: Roadway, Sidewalk
Nature of Request: Abandoned Parklet, Lack of Address, Other (Provide details above)
Disability Issue? No


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  • Opened

  • Closed

    Abated Full | Related tasks/inspections are complete