Shared Spaces

4 Guy Pl

CLOSED #17742907

Abated Full. Related tasks/inspections are complete.

Business Name: Local Kitchen - Location Info: Parking Lane, Roadway - Types of Issues: Structure blocks view over 42 inches, Visibility at an Intersection - ADA Issue: No --- Large parklet structures surrounding the intersection of 1st St and Guy Pl. The parklet on 1st St is less than 20 feet away from the intersection. There's almost always a car parked in the space between the parklet and the intersection. This blocks visibility of the crosswalk at Guy Pl, which creates dangerous conflict with traffic. The parklet on Guy Pl blocks the view of the roadway itself on Guy Pl for cars turning. The parket on Guy Pl is never actually in use, is always empty / locked.
4 Guy Pl
37.786881, -122.394052


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    Abated Full | Related tasks/inspections are complete