Shared Spaces

3909 Lawton St

CLOSED #17847047

Abated Full. Related tasks/inspections are complete.

Business Name: Landscaping materials - Location Info: Sidewalk - Types of Issues: Blocked Curb Ramp, No Clear Path of Travel, Obstruction of Crosswalk - ADA Issue: Yes --- At southwest corner of 45th and Lawton the owner of the house is using the sidewalk to sell plants and landscaping materials and is taking over the sidewalk at the corner of Lawton and 45th Avenue to run her business.
3909 Lawton St
37.75659, -122.504773
Additional Details
Business Name: Landscaping materials
Location Type: Sidewalk
Nature of Request: Blocked Curb Ramp, No Clear Path of Travel, Obstruction of Crosswalk
Disability Issue? Yes


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    Abated Full | Related tasks/inspections are complete