Shared Spaces

700 Geary Blvd

CLOSED #17990060

Abated Full. Related tasks/inspections are complete.

Business Name: Dragon Beaux - Location Info: Roadway - Types of Issues: Abandoned Parklet, Platform Structure, Reflectors for Evening Visibility, Structure blocks view over 42 inches, Visibility at an Intersection - ADA Issue: Yes --- Dragon Beaux has a burnt out (1 year ago) "parklet" that is covered in graffiti, not used, does not comply with any "shared space" rules (and never did), had a fire that burned 1/2 of it completely and they finally took 1/2 of it down but not the other half. It illegally takes up 2 parking spaces. They store their recycling bins in part of it. Why it has been left to stand when all of the others have mostly come down is a huge mystery. I called in a complaint when it first burned, Jan 2023.
700 Geary Blvd
37.780502, -122.480705


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    Abated Full | Related tasks/inspections are complete