Reports (6,509)

  • Shared Spaces

    Intersection 19 Th Ave, Clement St

    Lokama restaurant has 2 rows of tables and chairs outside. There is not a clear 4 foot path of travel. Wheelchair user cannot pass

    CLOSED #101000704336

    No Action. No issues reported.

  • Shared Spaces

    Intersection Mission St, 24 Th St

    Vendors of shampoo products and other household products have their products covering the sidewalk, blocking pedestrians, at northeast corner of Mission and 24th Street, next to Muni bus shelter.

    CLOSED #101000703200

    No Action. No issues reported.

  • Shared Spaces

    779 32 Nd Ave

    Car parked into sidewalk many days

    CLOSED #101000692082

    No Action. No issues reported.

  • Shared Spaces

    1053 San Jose Ave

    Trash and debris

    CLOSED #101000691484

    No Action. No issues reported.

  • Shared Spaces

    1933 Geary Blvd

    Image submitted with report

    Trash, sleeping encampment on the play structure. Smells of urine, discarded food and cardboard

    CLOSED #101000688006

    Case Resolved.

  • Shared Spaces

    730 Florida St

    Business is placing obstructions (signs and empty buckets) in the 5 parking spots preventing use of 5 parking spots.

    CLOSED #101000687660

    No Action. No issues reported.

  • Shared Spaces

    Japantown Peace Plaza I Poi

    Submitted to City Atty Complaints Web Portal on 9/4/24 by Sandy Oxley/ This issue has been reported by me a great many times over the past couple of years. The business purchases 100' of street parking for near weekly events. The first 20' is their commercial space that lacks a parking meter. They are handed six signs which is 120' off the bat. As they start with the first meter they actually take 140" to themselves while only paying for 100'. To make maters worse, those extra 40' wipe out the only two customer parking spaces for the US. Post Office. I noted that either someone is really bad with math, measurements (20' between each meter) or is receiving something for this practice. Is it cash or being comped at the club? Going forward I will physically remove signs from these two parking spots unless they PAY for 140' and quit cheating the taxpayers and others who have to pay for what they use. Aside from this, the staff of the Fillmore Club has a horrible habit of using orange 4' tall plastic bollards to block off this 140 even though it is not in use. I have called the police on them several times and driven over at least one bollard so I could retrieve my mail as I am a holder of a postal box at this facility. While this might not be the high level corruption like the building department or mayors office, it is corrupt none-the-less.

    CLOSED #101000684910

    Abated Full. Related tasks/inspection are complete.

  • Shared Spaces

    2401 Great Hwy

    Image submitted with report

    Clogged up toilet.

    CLOSED #101000683560

    Case Resolved. Clean up done.

  • Shared Spaces

    Mission Playground I Poi

    Image submitted with report

    There’s actually dirty diapers left inside the play ground on the floor.

    CLOSED #101000682880

    Case Resolved.

  • Shared Spaces

    Mission Playground I Poi

    Image submitted with report

    Dirty dipper with poop left on the playground

    CLOSED #101000682829

    Case Resolved.



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