Reports (1,521)
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Parking meter vandalized (screen scratched up)
CLOSED #101001454371Case Transferred.
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
CLOSED #101001452119Case Resolved. EAM Case 25870 update.
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Parking sign at 1562 Filbert st missing permit A symbol.
CLOSED #101001449843Case is a Duplicate. EAM Case 25851 update | Notes - REPLACEMENT IN PROGRESS / WO# 2263177.
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Stop Sign Damaged
CLOSED #101001442953Case Resolved. EAM Case 25823 update.
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Graffiti on the no parking sign.
CLOSED #101001441824Case Transferred. Please see SR 101001444463.
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Assign is down
CLOSED #101001441618Insufficient Information Provi. Please resubmit with a valid address. Photo does not match the location description.
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Street cleaning sign and support is on the ground. Caller is requesting for the sign to be cemented down or another solution that prevents it from being detached from the sand. This is happening every couple of weeks.
CLOSED #101001433808Case Resolved. EAM Case 25774 update.
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Please paint red for daylighting. I was almost hit just now by a car whose driver could not see me behind the white SUV. Cars drive fast down this hill and barely stop before turning. Willard at Carl.
CLOSED #101001433555Case Resolved. - sfmta traffic routing.
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Flashing red lights. Makes it dangerous for pedestrians to cross because cars don’t stop.
CLOSED #101001431276Case Resolved. Please refer to TSS complaints report #669. Restored three color operation.
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Muni sign broken
CLOSED #101001430527Case Resolved. EAM Case 25761 update.