Reports (84,598)

  • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

    Intersection Of Elk St And Bosworth St

    CLOSED #18325445

    Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.

  • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

    Intersection Of Bosworth St And Congo St

    CLOSED #18322486

    Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.

  • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

    Intersection Of Bosworth St And Congo St

    CLOSED #18322383

    Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.

  • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

    Intersection Of Filbert St And Jones St

    CLOSED #18291383

    Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.

  • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

    Intersection Of Hearst Ave And Edna St

    CLOSED #18284768

    Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.

  • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

    Intersection Of 4 Th St And Freelon St

    CLOSED #18118665

    Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.

  • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

    Intersection Of Fulton St And 14 Th Ave

    CLOSED #18116080

    Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.

  • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

    Intersection Of Masonic Ave And Oak St

    Pedestrian crosswalk on Oak Street is timed to walk during left turns of vehicles onto Masonic from Oak. Dangerous for pedestrians.

    CLOSED #18103546

    Case Resolved. This case was assigned to Traffic Signal Complaint 24-1199.

  • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

    Intersection Of Reservoir St And Church St

    Image submitted with report

    Damaged and loose, plus graffiti vandalized

    CLOSED #18102492

    Case is a Duplicate. EAM Case 19206 update | Notes - WO# 1817016.

  • Image submitted with report

    CLOSED #18102002

    Case Resolved. EAM Case 19202 update.



Ticket Type

  • Parking & Traffic Sign Repair (Remove)