Reports (102,799)

  • Illegal Postings

    526 Hayes St

    Image submitted with report

    CLOSED #101000696513

    Case is a Duplicate. Request is a duplicate and has been previously reported as 1000696513.

  • Illegal Postings

    855 Cole St

    Image submitted with report

    “There is nothing more practical in the end than the preservation of beauty, than the preservation of anything that appeals to the higher emotions in mankind.”

    CLOSED #101000696374

    Case is a Duplicate. Request is a duplicate and has been previously reported as 1000696374.

  • Illegal Postings

    Intersection Webster St, Sacramento St

    Image submitted with report

    Stop sign is used for hate speech

    CLOSED #101000688173

    Case Resolved. EAM Case 22746 update.

  • Illegal Postings

    2266 Pacific Ave

    Image submitted with report

    High mount zip tie sign. no date

    CLOSED #101000686121

    Case Resolved. SES Graffiti Crew - Remove Sign - Pole - Street Lamp.

  • Illegal Postings

    Intersection Geary Blvd, 10 Th Ave

    Image submitted with report

    MTA/DPW postings are similar to guerrilla marketing campaigns used for promoting or publicizing commercial or non-commercial purposes. These postings should be promptly removed like graffiti to prevent adverse effects like pole damage, and blight and disorder from spreading. These postings violate laws and encourage others to do so, contributing to greater visual blight. Let's stop wasting public resources, instead use positive and effective methods to get word out.

    CLOSED #101000686072

    Case Resolved. SES Graffiti Crew - Remove Sign - Pole - Shared (Comment).

  • Illegal Postings

    Intersection I 80 W Off Ramp, 8 Th St

    Image submitted with report

    Prove that Public Works, MTA, and other dysfunctional City departments are incompetent and overwhelmed. Suggest hiring private contractors to take over the task of cleaning up and maintaining a quality living environment for all San Franciscans. Private contractors will be more cost-effective and can be held accountable, unlike City employees. Have the Federal troops assume code enforcement.

    CLOSED #101000685948

    Case Resolved. removed illegal Postings SES Graffiti Crew - Removed Stickers - Box - Pedsestrian crossing signal.

  • Illegal Postings

    Intersection 9 Th St, Folsom St

    Image submitted with report

    Public officials, like DPW's Bureau of Street Misuse and Napping, joined to include the City Administrator, mayor, and supervisors, who routinely ignore the law like any common criminal, resulting in there is no law, no order, no justice, and the so-called 'civil authority' is worthless to the public's they are paid to serve.

    CLOSED #101000685883

    Case Resolved. removed as much illegal Postings as possible and repainted as much of the pole as possible. transferring to BBR SES Graffiti Crew - Remove Stickers / Paint - Pole - Signal Light.

  • Illegal Postings

    699 Hayes St

    Image submitted with report

    ART. 5.6; SIGNS PROHIBITED: (a) Findings. The Board hereby finds and declares: The City has a compelling need to prohibit the posting of signs on public property in order to prevent the visual pollution caused by such signs and the resulting contributions to urban blight. Moreover, the placement of signs on public property causes damage to such property and, when signs are placed on or near traffic or directional signs or similar objects, threatens the safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

    CLOSED #101000685832

    Case Resolved. SES Graffiti Crew - Remove Sign - Pole - MUNI.

  • Illegal Postings

    801 Hayes St

    Image submitted with report

    ART. 5.6; SIGNS PROHIBITED: (a) Findings. The Board hereby finds and declares: The City has a compelling need to prohibit the posting of signs on public property in order to prevent the visual pollution caused by such signs and the resulting contributions to urban blight. Moreover, the placement of signs on public property causes damage to such property and, when signs are placed on or near traffic or directional signs or similar objects, threatens the safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

    CLOSED #101000685829

    Case Resolved. SES Graffiti Crew - Remove Stickers / Paint - Pole - Shared (Comment).

  • Illegal Postings

    Intersection Steiner St, Hayes St

    Image submitted with report

    ART. 5.6; SIGNS PROHIBITED: (a) Findings. The Board hereby finds and declares: The City has a compelling need to prohibit the posting of signs on public property in order to prevent the visual pollution caused by such signs and the resulting contributions to urban blight. Moreover, the placement of signs on public property causes damage to such property and, when signs are placed on or near traffic or directional signs or similar objects, threatens the safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

    CLOSED #101000685826

    Case Resolved. SES Graffiti Crew - Remove Sign - Pole - Street Lamp.



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