Reports (44,669)

  • CLOSED #101000707474

    Case Resolved.

  • Image submitted with report

    Motor bike illegally parked in front of my house

    CLOSED #101000706895

    Case Transferred. Created SR 101000707094 to DPT.

  • Blocked Pedestrian Walkway

    336 Rutledge St

    Obstructed sidewalk along Rutledge St between Alabama St. and Massasoit St.

    CLOSED #101000703244

    Case Resolved.

  • Image submitted with report

    Cut branches please remove. Witnessed the cut branches made it very difficult for a mom with baby in carseat to get into her car.

    CLOSED #101000702764

    Case Resolved.

  • Blocked Pedestrian Walkway

    99 Montgomery St

    Image submitted with report

    On the street

    CLOSED #101000702716

    Case Resolved.

  • Blocked Pedestrian Walkway

    28 New Montgomery St

    Image submitted with report

    White zone

    CLOSED #101000702709

    Case Resolved.

  • Blocked Pedestrian Walkway

    68 The Embarcadero

    Image submitted with report

    Nope, not here

    CLOSED #101000702551

    Case Resolved.

  • Blocked Pedestrian Walkway

    Intersection Greenwich St, Grant Ave

    Image submitted with report

    Scooter blocking sidewalk

    CLOSED #101000701715

    Case Resolved.

  • Blocked Pedestrian Walkway

    1424 Sacramento St

    A-frame leaning against building.

    CLOSED #101000699448

    Case Resolved.

  • Blocked Pedestrian Walkway

    Intersection Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr, Concourse Dr

    6 tours buses parked illegally in passenger loading zone for one hour

    CLOSED #101000699351

    Case Resolved. Missing or incomplete info.- no further action.



Ticket Type

  • Blocked Pedestrian Walkway (Remove)