Reports (290)
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Hi, there is a damaged street sign from a vehicle accident at the sharp curve on Cambridge, mid-block between West View and Gladstone. The sign is yellow with black arrows, to warn about sharp curve. It is the first sign next to the guardrail. Could you please replace this sign? It is pretty mangled. Thx
OPEN #101001455183 -
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Defaced street sign Webster & Walker. Webster sign is painted over white so it's hard to read when going by
OPEN #101001455172 -
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
The detour on 24th and Dolores has drivers speeding unprotected lefts and u turns
OPEN #101001454871 -
Parking & Traffic Sign Repair
Camry Vehicle LP #9HQU091 on 01/11/25 at 0156 pm at 1649 cabirllo st sf ca Argonne Elementary School parked in a School bus loading zone. Need a ticket.
OPEN #101001453760 -