Reports (66)

  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection California St, Octavia St

    traffic signal flashing red

    OPEN #101000722157
  • window is broken on meter, unable to tell if payment when through

    OPEN #101000722050
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection Golden Gate Ave, Leavenworth St

    Traffic signal flashing red in all directions. Caller said this is the fourth time it has happened this week.

    OPEN #101000721926
  • Damaged Public Property

    1800 Montgomery St

    Caller reports the black Bollards at location are damaged and need to be repaired. Caller stated a request was made awhile ago - nothing has been done. Can this request be accelerated ASAP.

    OPEN #101000721893
  • Damaged Public Property

    1855 Haight St

    the screen is black. off, and just the red light blinking on top of the meter

    OPEN #101000721629
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection 18 Th St, Pennsylvania Ave

    There has been a parking meter box that was ripped out and dumped at the intersection. Please see SR 101000687423 as reference. Case was closed out stating resolved. The abandoned ripped out parking meter box is still onsite never picked up for 2 weeks now.

    OPEN #101000721575
  • Damaged Public Property

    61 Twin Peaks Blvd

    A solar panel fell off of a street sign and is now on the sidewalk.

    OPEN #101000720782
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection Post St, Webster St

    Caller states they went to use a parking meter and could not read the face of the parking meter. The screen was very dirty. Caller wants the city do something about the parking meter screens. She states she notices the screens are dirty all over the city.

    OPEN #101000720569
  • Damaged Public Property

    2473 San Bruno Ave

    Will not allow caller to pay by phone, card or cash. Shows 9 mins but expires at 02:21pm.

    OPEN #101000719985
  • Damaged Public Property

    Intersection 10 Th Ave, Clement St

    Time did not register when coins deposited

    OPEN #101000719972



Ticket Type

  • Damaged Public Property (Remove)