Reports (517,328)
Request for City Services
CLOSED #18334082Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.
n/a --- The customer's FBN application was rejected due to an address issue. The customer wants to know if she can white out the incorrect information and use the same form?
OPEN #18333088 -
--- Caller is with SF Health Plan and working with a client; the client has a national ID from her country which is expired. 311 reviewed the secondary list with caller. Caller works with the homeless and ID is often an issue; she wants to know what the work around might be.
OPEN #18332787 -
Request for City Services
CLOSED #18332559Cancel Reason: Dropped Call.
--- send application for birth certificate to: Spiro Korkos, 2404 North White Sands Blvd., Alamogordo, New Mexico 88310
CLOSED #18332507Case Resolved. Mailed birth app form to customer.
CLOSED #18331924
Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.
N/A --- Caller states he received an FBN from the Clerk.. He provided number 428332969.. Name of business is JNSQ. No info is available in the system.. Please contact by phone or email..
OPEN #18331868 -
--- Caller is requesting 2 copies of the birth certificate application to be mailed
OPEN #18331779 -
CLOSED #18331760
Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.
CLOSED #18331759
Cancel Reason: Wrong Classification.