Reports (255,064)

  • Abandoned Vehicles

    173 Pennsylvania Ave

    Image submitted with report

    Abandoned car parked since 11/28

    OPEN #101001105807
  • Abandoned Vehicles

    1560 Fell St

    Trailer parked for 12 days and has not moved. This is a 2 hour parking section of city.

    OPEN #101001105793
  • Abandoned Vehicles

    210 Valley St

    Vehicle has been parked since 11/26 without moving.

    OPEN #101001105766
  • Abandoned Vehicles

    301 Mission St

    Vehicle abandoned on white curb no parking zone. Previously reported and ticketed with case #101001053598. Vehicle still at same location.

    OPEN #101001105485
  • Abandoned Vehicles

    101 Athens St

    "Taco truck" style, painted all yellow. There is a generator running inside. Parked in the same location at least three days.

    OPEN #101001105435
  • Abandoned Vehicles

    1511 Revere Ave

    This vehicle has been on the sidewalk for over a year. It is broken down and a blight AND it obstructs pedestrian and wheelchair passage.

    OPEN #101001105339
  • Abandoned Vehicles

    2480 Union St

    Image submitted with report

    Car has been left there for 5+ days

    OPEN #101001105247
  • Abandoned Vehicles

    515 Munich St

    Abandoned vehicle parked for over six days and has not moved. Please cite.

    OPEN #101001105233
  • Abandoned Vehicles

    350 Jackson St

    Image submitted with report

    Abandoned scooters

    OPEN #101001105159
  • Abandoned Vehicles

    131 Gellert Dr

    RV is still parked and hasnt moved

    OPEN #101001105101



Ticket Type