Reports (502,845)

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    Parking enforcement and 311 refusing to issue citations, refusing to validate our reports, employees continue to lie and fail to do a rather simple job, they should be retrained and someone to explain to them how to properly do their job it looks like the job is to difficult for them to do and maybe reasigned. Vehicles illegally parked Parking enforcement and 311 refusing to issue citations, refusing to validate our reports, employees continue to lie and fail to do a rather simple job, they shou

    OPEN #101000665607
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    Blocked sidewalk

    OPEN #101000665591
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    Blocked driveway

    OPEN #101000665582
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    Car parked illegally. Repeat defender. Parked in a no parking anytime zone

    OPEN #101000665572
  • CLOSED #101000665570

    Case is Invalid. Contact name and phone number are required to submit a request for Blocked Driveway enforcement. Please resubmit with contact information for enforcement.

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    OPEN #101000665560
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    Gigantic SUV parked over the property line, violating the Americans for Disabilities Act and CA Vehicle Code 22500.F

    OPEN #101000665552
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    Black Expedition, license plate number 7WMZ167, hauling a large trailer called Springdale, blocking sidewalk. Located across 7124 Fulton St, park side, between 47th and 48th avenues.

    CLOSED #101000665546

    Case Resolved. Officer responded to request under CAD # 242512364. Unable to Locate.

  • Blocked Driveway & Illegal Parking

    1367 Rhode Island St

    Sidewalk parking.

    OPEN #101000665498
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    Car blocking driveway

    OPEN #101000665496



Ticket Type

  • Blocked Driveway & Illegal Parking (Remove)