Request for City Services

1355 Post St

CLOSED #16836307

Case Resolved. 07.20.23 Barricades and plywood removed. Temp AC placed prior to sidewalk restoration. AMJ 07.12.23 Same. AMJ 05.31.23 Condition found as described. AMJ - 07.19.23 Sent Skip a message re removal of barricades & plywood. He said he needs a bar code from MTA in connection with the pole removal. I requested notification of when sidewalk will be restored. AMJ 07.12.23 Talked with Skip Tonner of ExteNet, who said he would send someone to remove the barricades and plywood. AMJ 06.08.23 Resent X110.

A couple of years ago a pole with a Verizon cell antenna was installed on the street in front of this address. The work was never completed. There is still a hole in the ground and a barricade in place.
1355 Post St
37.7862063, -122.423894


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