Parking & Traffic Sign Repair

156 Rose St

CLOSED #17556374

Case Resolved. EAM Case 15355 update.

100 block of Rose. 11/15/2023 Street sign is pulled loose of its mount, leans into the street and or into the sidewalk, when people spin it around. Street cleaning truck cannot pass by to sweep the curb. 2nd: No signage at the other end of the block! Street cleaning sign at the opposite end of Rose at Octavia has been removed. People say is sure fire way to get out of paying a parking ticket on street cleaning day. Yes it is Ask the truck, parked there for three weeks! Posted 11/15/2023
156 Rose St
37.7735696, -122.42312026
Additional Details
Sign Type: Street Cleaning
Sign Status: Bent
Pole Status: Leaning


  • Submitted

  • Opened

  • Closed

    Case Resolved | EAM Case 15355 update